This past weekend I went with some friends on a little camping adventure. I just LOVE camping. We went to Yuba Lake. We got to the campground pretty late with just enough time to set up camp before the sun went down. We then built ourselves a nice little fire and went to work stuffing our faces with hot dogs and marshmallows. Mmmmmhmmm! Later that night, around 1:00 am it started to rain. We expected this and had been planning on it. It rained off and on through the night. What we hadn't expected were the monsoon like winds and pelting rains that came around 8:00 am. My trusty, cheap tent has withstood rain before, however, it doesn't like monsoons very much. Soon the water was collecting in puddles on the inside of the tent and the wind was blowing it throught the ceiling. We decieded that it was time to pack up. We ate a picknick breakfast in the other tent, of muffins, donettes, flaming hot cheetos, and strawberries. Breakfast of champions! This is only one of the many camping adventures to be had this summer.
Six Geese A-Slaying (A Meg Lanslow Mystery) Buecher De
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Buch lesen - *Six Geese A-Slaying (A Meg Lanslow Mystery), Donna Andrews*.
5 years ago
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