As my title implies, I have the best job in the world. I am a nurse and I work very strange hours and lots of holidays but it really doesn't get much better than what I do. My patients generally weigh less than 5 pounds, have very spunky personalities, and make me realize every single day how amazing this life really is.
To give you an idea of what I do, I have decided to outline an average day. I arrive at work a little before 7pm and see which assignment has been given to me for the shift. An assignment consist of 1, 2, or 3 babies. The more sick or attention needing the infant the less the number of babies in the assignment. For example a baby that weighs around a pound, needs a lot of support to breath, and is requiring a lot of serious medication may be a 1 baby assignment. After finding what my assignment will be I go and get report. The off-going nurse will tell me what the history of the baby is (i.e. how he/she was born, what was needed at birth, etc.), what the baby eats, what the baby has been prescribed for his/her respiratory needs, and if the baby is on any medication. Then I take over. The babies are now my responsibility. If you look at it in pounds it doesn't seem like a lot but if you think about it in life and vulnerability it is huge.
In a shift I will change each babies bum approximately 4 times, the babies will each be fed 3-4 times, vitals signs will be recorded hourly, and medication will be given as prescribed. I have given all kinds of medications ranging from blood pressure medication, to caffeine (helps with respiratory drive) and I have started hundreds of IVs. To put that in perspective for all of you, that is like starting an IV in an adult pinkie finger. I have sent babies home with mom and dad, and I have sent babies home to heavenly father. Each shift is a surprise of what I will be faced with. I never know if I will be working with little champs who pass every mile stone with flying colors or if I will be working with the little ones that will struggle for the rest of their lives. Some days I feel as though I could never do enough for these babies and other days I find myself wondering if sometimes as a unit and as a technology we do too much. I have rocked babies to sleep, and I have comforted them during a procedure. I have also wanted to pull my hair out because of the crying but every time you see a new one, every time you hold a tiny life in you hands or, hand as is sometimes the case, it is all worth it. All of the hard times, all of the stress and crazy, non-English speaking parents are fine. Its all OK because for 12 hours at a time you are responsible for one of Gods most beautiful creations and you have the chance to make the first trials of their life less difficult.
This is why I have the best job in the world.
You are a special girl Missy-Moo.
Those precious babies are a gift and you are an intricate part of that bestowing. Bless you honey.
You have an amazing job and the talent it takes to persevere the trials that are associated with it! You Rock!!!
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